//Changes the angle of all Live Effects on selected objects //Aaron Beall - http://abeall.com var sel = new Array().concat(fw.selection); if(sel.length <= 0){ alert('This command requires an active selection!'); }else{ var error = ""; do{ var amount = prompt(error+'Enter an amount from 0-360 to set all Live Filters Angle.\n\nRecognized Filters include: Bevels, Embosses, Shadows, and Motion Blur.'); error = "You need to enter a valid number.\n\n"; } while(isNaN(Number(amount)) && amount!==null); if(amount!==null){ amount = parseInt(amount); //while(amount<0)amount += 360; // ranges outside of 0-360 are actually legal in FW, so I leave it alone here //while(amount>360)amount -= 360; for(var i in sel){ if(!sel[i].effectList)continue; var effs = sel[i].effectList.effects; for(f in effs){ if(effs[f].EffectIsVisible){ var eff = {}; for(var p in effs[f]){ if(p!='javascriptString')eff[p] = effs[f][p]; } if(eff.ShadowAngle!=undefined)eff.ShadowAngle = amount; if(eff.angle!=undefined)eff.angle = amount; if(eff.LightAngle!=undefined)eff.LightAngle = amount; if(eff.motion_blur_angle!=undefined)eff.motion_blur_angle = amount; effs[f] = eff; } } } } }